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The look and construction of a low rail cylinder cart|Features include user-friendly, heavy-gauge wrap around ergonomic handle, large tool tray, and zinc-plated safety chain|Choose from (1) large oxygen and (1) No. 4.5, No. 5, WK acetylene side-by-side, or (1) 100 pound propane cylinder (2-14, 2-16, 2-24); (2) high or low pressure cylinders side-by-side (4-10, 4-14), or (2) high or low pressure cylinders side-by-side of 9-1/4 inch diameter each or any combination thereof (8-14, 8-16, 8-16S)||
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MFR Name – Anthony
MFR Part Number – 214
UPC Code – 00636265002470
Country of Origin – US
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